14 March 2007



This picture of our poor Captain Brendan is what it feels like to be in the Army today... like it’s about to dump on us.

Taking 3 hours to do a 30 minute task is not fun. That’s what happened for our M2 PMI class. Do you know what else isn’t fun? Cleaning weapons for 4 hours. We cleaned weapons that quite possibly never saw the benefit of a cleaning rod nor a solvent laden tooth brush since they were brought into service some 3 or 4 years ago. Needless to say, we weren’t happy campers. However, a theory of mine was validated again today while we were sitting in the motor pool up to our ears in caked on carbon and blue-green copper residue. Ask any soldier to do a crappy task and he will do it. He might not be very happy about it, but he will do it nonetheless. Now, give that same soldier the promise of pizza, and he will still do that same task, but this time he won’t be so glum. I didn’t say he would be happy, but the sounds of complaints will be drowned out by the shoving of food into his pie hole. Pizza fixes a lot of things, followed closely by promise of money, time off, and alcohol.

CPT Brendan does not like cleaning this particular weapon

Cleaning this weapon makes the Rat Fink mad!

It even makes me give the Angry Asian face.

Pizza fixes everything


Unknown said...

I love the angry Asian face!

BlondHairJew said...

Tell CPT Brendan I checked out his site as well (very bored during the kids naps) and there is a pic with a guy in BDUs standing out like a sore thumb. I thought camo was supposed to help you blend in. It was a fashion faux paux to say the least. I know how S.A.M. is going to respond; "You wanna know how I know you're gay?" There will be none of that thank you.

ginnsaypa said...

I see you are having a Great time with your camera! Don't get dumped on!! :)

Stonz said...

Is that the face of an angry Asian or the Arrrgh of a LJS pirate???

Mom of three in Michigan said...

Food can make many things better. It made working long hours during the computer conversion a little more tolerable. I've seen that angry face somewhere.

SecretAsianMan said...

Having fun with the camera, and no, that's not the LJS pirate face. That's the "I hate the fact that this weapon has never been cleaned" face.