17 January 2007


Today was filled with poking and prodding by the medical folks to see if we are deployable. It is more of a formality than an actual requirement as most of us believe that if we walked in on one leg with our spleens in our hands, they would just give us some Motrin and tell us to get on the plane. We did lose a few officers due to some pretty serious problems, but even in my semi-broken state from years of military service and self abuse, I didn’t dodge the bullet. We’ll see what tomorrow will bring.

The last time I was at Georgia was for Airborne School back in 95. It was summer and it was hot. Dare I say hotter than Texas. When I hit the ground here 3 days ago, it was 70 degrees, which is a big difference from the Dallas that I left 3 days ago, which was about to get slammed with an ice storm. That storm has made its way here, and it is now freak’n cold. A lot of the guys here weren’t prepared to be wearing civilian clothes for the first week and they were not prepared for a rainy morning formation with temps down below freezing. Thank goodness I had a warm comfy jacket to ward off the cold. Of course, my jacket is brown and I can’t wear it with my pants of the same color without looking like UPS worker, but I don’t mind. It keeps me warm while the guy next to me in shorts is hating life.

Today was another double MRE day. Two pre packaged bags of goodness, compliments of Uncle Sam. I could go on for days trying to explain how I’m just going to get fatter by eating these things, but I will refrain from spewing too much negativity. I don’t want to go down that road this early in the game.

1 comment:

Haylee said...

wut the heck is an MRE??? i'm reading and tryin to follow but i always get caught up at "MRE"...if you could please explain!!!

miss you