16 July 2007


I eat a lot of oatmeal here.  Not sure why.  It isn’t like they lack options for us at the DFAC.  With piles of pancakes, copious amounts of pastries and all the powdered egg omelets you could ever want, breakfast isn’t a bad meal.  Yet despite the selection, I always go with the standard instant Quaker oats.  Oh I might get crazy and mix a maple and brown sugar with an apple and spice now and then, but systematically my morning feast consists of 2 packs of instant oatmeal (with some raisins thrown in for good measure), cranberry juice to drink and a bowl of whatever the fruit of the day is.  I’m not sure what started this trend.  I have nothing against turkey bacon or “breakfast on a stick” and I’m not concerned about my cholesterol either.  I rather fancy variety which is why it baffles me at my craving for oatmeal every day.  To make things worse, I even eat an oatmeal raisin cookie for dessert at every dinner sitting which I justify as not a real dessert since it has two healthy ingredients in the title.  Is there such thing as having too much oatmeal?  Can a person have a cholesterol score of say 20?  Will my colon suddenly blow itself out with that much fiber?  Is there risk that I will suddenly abandon all of my electronic possessions, wear funny hats and drive a horse and buggy?  Wait, that’s Amish, not Quaker. 

1 comment:

Big Bend said...

After reading your last few posts, i say LET IT OUT!. :-) Keep typing, i enjoy the reading.