26 March 2008

Daylight Savings

Just the other day a command decision was made by the Government of Iraq NOT to observe daylight savings time on 30 March. This is significant for three reasons:

1.) Since the coalition works closely with Iraqis, we in turn will not adjust our clocks forward so that we may operate on common time with our Iraqi counterparts.

2.) It also means that we don’t get to go home an hour early since they made the important decision not to “spring forward” like other countries in the area.

3.) And finally, it's proof that the Government of Iraq (GoI) can take charge of their country (so all you skeptics out there who thought otherwise are proven wrong!).

Okay, I jest, but I do so for good reason as we are trying to find some levity in all the crap that is happing here. I'm feeling a little nostalgic for the quiet time of last May 2007 (and since it is difficult to convey sarcasm in text format, I will say that the happenings of late are not quiet nor were they quiet back in May of last year).

1 comment:

Big Bend said...

Keep your head down and all the PPE on. When you fly over the pond on your way back, you can reflect on the progress that was made while you were there.