24 January 2008


I’m tired. I plodded through these past few days like a knuckle dragging ape trying to get into the groove of being back in Iraq. My sleep schedule is all screwed up and I’m coming down with some Ebola-like illness most likely brought on by spending multiple hours crammed in an airframe with 300 other sick people (either that or I’m allergic to Iraq). I am also convinced that my motivation to do work was lost somewhere over the Atlantic by the airlines. It’s a shame because I need that motivation to post pictures of my R&R. I guess I’ll get around to it when I can.


Jason said...

Welcome to post-leave depression, a condition often characterized by knuckle dragging ape like motivation and an ebola like sickness. There is no known cure except time; but don't worry, it usually only last for a week or two.

Anonymous said...

While Jason is usually on point, he said it best, there is no known cure but time...but I will say my cure was a thing called ETS...We do know what ETS is right, it does have something to do with time!!!

SecretAsianMan said...

The funny thing is, I seem to remember a time in my past that involved me ETS-ing from the Army before...