26 September 2007


I’m feeling betrayed. I got off work a little early so that I could pick up my laundry before they closed and came upon a sight that made me feel sad and angry at the same time. After 5 months you think you know someone pretty well but after today, I realize that I really didn't know them at all. Granted, we only shared a few meals together and our physical relationship was nothing more than some innocent petting, but I thought we had something special. Obviously I was wrong as I stumbled upon a scene that I was not suppose to see. It was the sight of another man feeding my cat! P-Cat, the four-legged feline that I’ve been giving treats to was eating canned chicken while another man scratched behind his ears. What’s up with that?! Ungrateful ingrate!

Okay, so I really wasn’t upset. In fact, it was good to see that there are other folks taking care of him because he is a good cat, which is hard for me to admit since I’m not the biggest cat lover. I’m more of a dog person. Dogs are friendlier, they do tricks, they know how to show affection without being aloof like a cat, plus they taste much better.

Picture of the T-shirt Kevin gave me as a gift...very appropriate.

1 comment:

Stonz said...

Eat more burgers and hot dogs.......less rice!!! Leave the dogs alone. Remember more burgers more round!!
Glad you got the box. Enjoy!
Love you much