05 November 2008

It is what it is

The election is over and now everyone can go about their daily lives without being bombarded by the plethora of election propaganda that assaulted our senses this past year. Whether or not your candidate won is at this point beyond your control. If you took the time to exercise your right to vote, good for you. If you decided that your vote didn’t matter, then you gave up your right to complain about the outcome. Our mission now is to back our government and the United States of America and support our leaders, whoever they may be. If you like the outcome of the race, then keep the gloating to a minimum and hold onto the hope of a better tomorrow that you brought into the voting booth with you. If your candidate did not win, then ensure you keep your local and national politicians informed of the desires of their constituents (write them letters) and remember that you have a chance to change things in four more years. Either way, we need to come together as a country and move forward for there are plenty of issues that are testing our mettle. The economy is in shambles, our popularity in the world is not the greatest, the threat of terrorism is real and we still have troops deployed in combat zones overseas. Whether your blood runs blue or red, we can agree to disagree on a lot of issues, but in the end we are all Americans and we must hold onto that common bond with both hands if we are to make it through the challenges that lie ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great commentary, and America has voiced her opinion

we need to come together as a country and move forward for there are plenty of issues that are testing our mettle.

this is so true...

the economy is in shambles, our popularity in the world is not the greatest, the threat of terrorism is real and we still have troops deployed in combat zones overseas.

It's been a constant reminder for me, since leaving my job at Bank of America, and starting employment at the Atlanta Airport, I now have the opportunity to see the troops on a daily basis...I don't think that people know the true significance of what's really going on and what led us to this point...

Whether your blood runs blue or red, we can agree to disagree on a lot of issues, but in the end we are all Americans and we must hold onto that common bond with both hands if we are to make it through the challenges that lie ahead.

that is so true and I think the irony of the latest headlines calling Barack the 1st African American president is our insistence on continued folly...while I can identify with Barack because I am black, I haven't forgotten his maternal side is white...Barack is a Human...prayefully he along with the rest of the government, can truly put the human family of America back together as one without the racial divide!

We are a diverse nation of peoples from many a far off places, but our true identity is that we are one! Let's live like it and work one with another! I appreciated your commentary.

Sincere Regards,