28 May 2007

1 month - 5/29/07

1 Month - 5/29/07

I was taking the bus into work today... okay, let me clarify that since it sounds kind of weird. We live in a different base than where we work, therefore each day we “commute” to work on little busses with all of our gear on. The distance is not far and you can probably walk it when it’s cool outside, but being out in the open for no apparent reason is not wise here, so we take a bus. It’s a little bus that can hold roughly 18 soldiers or so. They are usually piloted by local nationals and the radio blurts out musak or Arabic tunes as we take the short 5 minute trip to the “office”. I just had to explain it because it sounds strange to picture us hanging out at a bus stop in body armor and weapons.

So anyway, I’m riding in the bus this morning on my way to work and I’m sitting next to a sergeant who does not work in my section, but deployed with the same unit as me. We were engaging in small talk about being in Iraq when we came to the epiphany that today marked the 1 month anniversary of being deployed overseas. It’s hard to believe that 30 days ago I landed in the desert to start the magic 365 countdown, which mean’s I’m 1/12 through this fun filled Middle Eastern vacation! And no sooner than we stopped giving each other verbal congratulations than the radio busted out with an instrumental version of the Carpenters “We’ve Only Just Begun.”

Interesting fact of the day: I hate the Carpenters today.

In other news, Brendan decided to actually post a blog entry. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


BlondHairJew said...

Congrats on your anniversary! I hope you got a little slice of watermelon for yourself yesterday. You deserve it.
Nice Bill and Ted reference.

pensioner said...

I have been reading your entries for some time now and decided to respond at least by letting you know that you ARE read and appreciated. You are my home page and I read your entries daily. Thanks for taking the time. Take care of yourself and.. bring 'em home, bring 'em home